The Ultimate Guide to Preparing for an Actor Headshot Session: Do's and Don'ts

Preparing for an actor headshot session involves more than just showing up. To ensure a successful and productive experience, it's important to know what to bring and how to prepare. In this blog, I’ll outline the essential do's and don’ts to help you make the most of your headshot session and capture fab photos that truly represent your talent.


1. Do bring a carefully considered variety of wardrobe options: Bring a selection of outfits that you know look great and can help reflect your casting suitability. Choose solid bold colors or subtle patterns that won't distract from your face and ensure each outfit fits well. I know this sounds like an obvious, but I will mention that its super helpful to me if your options are ironed so that there is less work I have to do in the edits, trying to minimise creasing and more of my time focusing on you!

 2. Do arrive well groomed: Take the time to groom yourself before the session. Maybe this means a trip to the hairdresser or barber in advance? Style your hair in a way that represents your everyday appearance. For makeup, opt for a natural look that enhances your features without anything too heavy. I recommend bringing a powder for any shine, a lip balm to just give a bit of something to the lip and hair spray for any misbehaving fly-aways! Once, I went to a session myself for my own actor headshots and had the annoying case of static in my hair and I didn’t have hair spray on me, the lesson was learnt!

 3. Do research and gather inspiration: Look at headshots of actors whose careers you admire and gather inspiration. Discuss these inspirations with me to convey the visual direction you are aiming for in your own headshots.

 4. Do practice relaxation techniques: Feeling relaxed and comfortable during the session is crucial for capturing natural and authentic expressions. Practice deep breathing exercises or visualisation techniques before the session to help alleviate any nervousness or tension. It might sound a bit OTT but it actually can really help!


1. Don't bring excessive wardrobe options: While it's important to have variety, avoid bringing an overwhelming number of outfits that will take an age for us to go through. Select a few well-curated options that reflect your casting types and are in line with what you want from the session.

 2. Don't arrive with an overly elaborate hairstyle or excessive makeup: Keep your hair and makeup as natural and easy as possible, so we can see you as you are. I advise to steer clear of any hairstyles that cover your face, we want your hair to nicely frame you not hide you. I also advise to avoid heavy makeup that may distract from your natural facial features. Elaborate hair and makeup can follow once you have booked that next job and you are sat in the on-set makeup chair!

 3. Don't forget to communicate with your photographer: Clear communication with me is key. Discuss your goals, casting types and any specific requirements or preferences to ensure we are both on the same page, in advance of your session and on the day itself.

 4. Don’t bring props or accessories: If there are specific props or accessories that align with your casting types or showcase your skills, this is great but you can leave these at home! Props are hugely distracting and to put it bluntly, should never feature in your actor headshots. Actor headshots should always be a close head and shoulder shot of just you!

 5. Don't feel the need to rush the session: This is your moment in front of the camera and I, just as much as you, will want to ensure we get a super set of photos. So, take your time during the headshot session to get comfortable in front of the camera. Thinking you need to rush through certain looks/outfits may result in less authentic and forced-looking photographs. To me, this is a really important point and something to avoid. I aim to make you feel at ease as quickly as possible when you arrive so that you feel the pressure is totally off and we can then just have a fun hour or so taking photos!

 6. Don't forget to relax and enjoy the process: Remember, the headshot session is an opportunity to showcase your talent and personality. Embrace the experience, have fun and remember that by getting these photos done, you are already one step ahead of many who haven’t yet invested their time and energy as you have and that should be something you celebrate!

Preparing for an actor headshot session requires careful planning and consideration. By following the do's and don'ts outlined in this guide above, you can ensure that you bring the necessary items and prepare yourself appropriately for what should be a fun session all round.


Finding the Right Balance: How Many Actor Headshots Do You Need?


The Importance of Professionalism: Why Actors Should Not Take Their Own Headshots