The Importance of Professionalism: Why Actors Should Not Take Their Own Headshots

In today's digital age, it may be tempting for actors to consider taking their own headshots using smartphones or digital cameras. However, when it comes to headshots, professionalism is paramount. In this blog post, I will delve into the reasons why actors should not take their own headshots and why investing in professional photography is crucial for career advancement.

1. Objective Perspective:

Professional photographers bring a trained eye and objective perspective to headshot sessions. We understand the nuances of composition, lighting and direction that can make a significant difference in the final result. By entrusting your headshots to a professional, you benefit from our expertise and the ability to capture your best qualities.

2. Industry Standards:

The entertainment industry operates with the highest expectations and headshots are no exception. Professional photographers who specialise in actor headshots are well versed in the industry's expectations. We understand the current trends and styles that resonate with casting directors and agents (and there is somewhat of a difference between the styles often preferred in the UK to the US). By working with a professional, you ensure your headshots meet the industry standards and stand out among the competition.

3. Experience and Equipment:

Professional photographers often have a good amount of experience in working with actors and understanding their needs. As an actor myself too, I have the experience on the other side of the camera to use to my advantage as well. Headshot photographers will possess good quality cameras, lenses and other equipment that are essential for capturing the nuances of an actor's face and creating great images. Attempting to replicate this level of quality and technical expertise at home with your own equipment is challenging and may result in headshots that are below what is to be accepted.

4. Focus on Performance:

By allowing a professional photographer to handle the technical aspects of the headshot session, actors can focus on what they do best—performing. Being in front of the camera can be daunting and having a skilled photographer directing and guiding the session can help actors relax, feel comfortable, and bring out their best self!

While it may be tempting to take your own headshots, investing in professional photography is crucial for actors looking to advance their careers. I promise you that an agent or other casting professional will be quick to press the delete button before they’ve even properly read your email, should you think to send them a sub-standard photo you have attempted to take your self. I promise you that they will be able to tell the difference. Professional photographers offer objective perspectives, we adhere to industry standards, we possess the necessary experience and equipment and we allow actors to focus on their performances. Entrusting a photographer over a friend or flat mate to take your photos, I can tell you is only a good thing!


The Ultimate Guide to Preparing for an Actor Headshot Session: Do's and Don'ts


Unveiling the Actor Headshot Session: What to Expect